Thai herbal hot packs
This specific Thai massage utilizes selected therapeutic herbs. They are wrapped in a steamed muslin pouch. The practitioner applies these compresses using pressure on the meridians and the pain points. . Benefits include : - relief of muscle and joint pain - reduced stress
Thai massage
Originally from northern India, this ancient massage technique was integrated with traditional Thai medicine. Thai massage is a mix of kneading, acupressure and stretching along the energy lines. Extremely comprehensive, it is an integral part of massage therapy. . Benefits include : -
Therapeutic herbs
Therapeutic herbs are derived from aromatic plants, and are used during a massage. They are chosen for their varying benefits and attributes. Picked fresh, cut into small pieces and mixed, these herbs are typically placed in a pouch for use
Tibetan singing bowls
Tibetan bowls are therapeutic sound massage instruments, used for centuries by Buddhist monks to meditate, harmonize chakras and heal through sonotherapy. Made in Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan and India, the bowls are made using an alloy of 7 different metals. They